Sep 22, 2023 by MANN BLAKE & JACKSON
Slip and fall accidents might sound minor, but they can have life-altering consequences, from broken bones and concussions to long-term disabilities. If you or someone you know has suffered a slip and fall injury on someone else's property in South Carolina, understanding property owner liability is essential for pursuing compensation for your losses. Here, we delve into the facets of what responsibility a property owner may hold in such situations. ... [Read More]
Sep 22, 2023 by MANN BLAKE & JACKSON
The joy of welcoming a new life into the world can quickly turn into a heartbreaking ordeal if your newborn sustains a birth injury. As devastating as the emotional impact may be, the financial burden can add another layer of stress. South Carolina families affected by such incidents should be aware of the types of compensation available to alleviate these burdens. This blog aims to shed light on what you ... [Read More]
Sep 22, 2023 by MANN BLAKE & JACKSON
Finding out that a medical procedure has gone wrong is a traumatic experience. If you suspect that you or a loved one has been a victim of medical malpractice in South Carolina, it's crucial to take appropriate steps to protect your rights and access the justice you deserve. Here, we break down some crucial actions to consider if you believe you're facing a case of medical malpractice. Get Immediate Medical ... [Read More]
Sep 22, 2023 by MANN BLAKE & JACKSON
Losing a loved one is an incomprehensible tragedy, and when that loss is due to someone else's negligence or wrongful actions, the emotional toll is often compounded by a host of financial and legal complexities. If you're navigating this difficult terrain in South Carolina, you might be considering a wrongful death lawsuit. One of the key aspects of these lawsuits is understanding the types of damages that can be claimed. ... [Read More]
Sep 22, 2023 by MANN BLAKE & JACKSON
If you're a driver in South Carolina, it’s important to understand how the state's at-fault car insurance system works. Unlike "no-fault" states, South Carolina uses a "fault" or "tort" system when it comes to automobile insurance and accidents. In this system, the person responsible for causing a car accident is also responsible for paying for the damages. This blog post aims to shed light on what this means for you, ... [Read More]
Sep 22, 2023 by MANN BLAKE & JACKSON
Navigating the aftermath of a medical mishap is a daunting experience, both emotionally and legally. From understanding the nuances of medical malpractice laws to gathering evidence, the entire process can be overwhelming. Choosing the right legal representative to guide you through this labyrinth is crucial. In this post, we'll discuss what you should consider when selecting a medical malpractice lawyer in South Carolina. Why Specialization Matters Medical malpractice law is ... [Read More]
Sep 22, 2023 by MANN BLAKE & JACKSON
The decision to place a loved one in a nursing home is often difficult, taken with the expectation that they will receive the care and attention they deserve. Discovering that your family member has been a victim of nursing home abuse can be a shocking and painful experience. In such cases, understanding the legal avenues available becomes crucial. This blog post aims to shed light on the legal remedies that ... [Read More]
Sep 22, 2023 by MANN BLAKE & JACKSON
Medical malpractice cases can be deeply distressing, involving not just the physical and emotional toll but also a complicated legal landscape. One of the most critical, yet often overlooked, elements in pursuing a medical malpractice case in South Carolina is the statute of limitations. In this blog post, we will explore what the statute of limitations is, how it applies to medical malpractice cases in South Carolina, and what exceptions ... [Read More]
Sep 22, 2023 by MANN BLAKE & JACKSON
Slip and fall accidents can happen unexpectedly and result in injuries that range from minor bruises to severe fractures. However, proving liability and negligence in a slip and fall case can often be more complicated than one might think. One of the most potent tools at your disposal to bolster your claim is photographic evidence. This blog post delves into why photos are invaluable in South Carolina slip and fall ... [Read More]
Sep 22, 2023 by MANN BLAKE & JACKSON
Accidents happen. But when they occur on the road, understanding who is at fault can become a complex, even contentious, issue. One legal concept that comes into play is "comparative negligence." This principle can have a significant impact on the outcome of a personal injury claim following a car accident. This blog post aims to shed light on what comparative negligence is, how it works under South Carolina law, and ... [Read More]
