Sep 22, 2023 by MANN BLAKE & JACKSON
Pharmacy errors can happen in various ways—be it a mistaken dosage, a wrong medication, or unclear instructions. While the immediate consequence is a potential health risk for the patient, there’s another aspect that’s often left unexplored: Who is legally responsible for these mistakes? This blog post aims to shed light on the complexities surrounding liability in pharmacy errors, particularly within the legal framework of South Carolina. Types of Pharmacy Errors ... [Read More]
Sep 22, 2023 by MANN BLAKE & JACKSON
The birth of a child is supposed to be a joyous occasion, a time of new beginnings. However, when birth injuries occur, the momentous event can quickly turn into a nightmare for families. If you find yourself in this difficult situation in South Carolina, knowing where to turn for legal help can make a world of difference. This blog aims to guide you through available legal resources that can assist ... [Read More]
Sep 22, 2023 by MANN BLAKE & JACKSON
Anesthesia is often seen as a miraculous element of modern medicine, allowing patients to undergo surgical procedures without feeling pain or discomfort. However, when errors occur in the administration of anesthesia, the consequences can be severe and long-lasting. Understanding what constitutes an anesthesia error and how it fits into the realm of medical malpractice can empower patients and families in South Carolina and beyond to safeguard their well-being. What Are ... [Read More]
Sep 22, 2023 by MANN BLAKE & JACKSON
When it comes to medical malpractice, the terms "misdiagnosis" and "delayed diagnosis" often come up. While both issues can have serious consequences for a patient, they aren't interchangeable terms. Knowing the difference between the two can be essential if you find yourself considering a medical malpractice claim in South Carolina or elsewhere. This article aims to shed light on what sets these two apart and why it matters. What is ... [Read More]
Sep 22, 2023 by MANN BLAKE & JACKSON
Welcoming a newborn is supposed to be a joyous occasion, but it can turn tragic if your baby suffers from a birth injury due to medical negligence. While you can pursue a lawsuit to obtain compensation for medical bills, emotional trauma, and other damages, it's crucial to understand the state-specific regulations that can affect your settlement. If you reside in South Carolina, you'll need to acquaint yourself with the state's ... [Read More]
Sep 22, 2023 by MANN BLAKE & JACKSON
In an ideal world, medical providers would always offer flawless healthcare services. However, we live in a reality where medical mistakes, negligence, and malpractice can and do happen. If you believe you've been wronged by a medical provider in South Carolina, you may be wondering how to initiate a formal complaint against them. Here's a step-by-step guide to navigating this delicate and often complex process. Understand the Importance of Filing ... [Read More]
Sep 22, 2023 by MANN BLAKE & JACKSON
In the complex realm of medical malpractice litigation, expert witnesses play a pivotal role, especially when the case involves specialized medical fields like cardiac surgery. The intricate procedures, advanced technologies, and high risks associated with heart surgery make these cases particularly challenging to navigate. If you or a loved one has been a victim of heart surgery malpractice in South Carolina, understanding the significance of expert testimony can be invaluable. ... [Read More]
Sep 22, 2023 by MANN BLAKE & JACKSON
Dealing with the aftermath of a medical error can be overwhelming. Not only are you grappling with physical and emotional distress, but the prospect of legal proceedings can add another layer of complexity. If you're in South Carolina and considering filing a medical malpractice lawsuit, understanding the state-specific guidelines and steps involved can offer you clarity during this challenging time. Preliminary Steps: Documentation and Consultation 1. Gather Medical Records Before ... [Read More]
Sep 22, 2023 by MANN BLAKE & JACKSON
One of the most joyous moments in a family's life—the birth of a child—can quickly become a source of worry and heartache if the baby suffers from a birth injury. If you find yourself in this difficult situation, understanding the medical reports related to the birth can be instrumental in determining whether you have a valid birth injury claim. In this blog post, we aim to simplify the complexities surrounding ... [Read More]
Sep 22, 2023 by MANN BLAKE & JACKSON
We all hope never to be in a car accident, but the reality is that these incidents happen daily. While most drivers have insurance to cover their liabilities, you might find yourself in an unfortunate situation where the at-fault driver is either uninsured or underinsured. In South Carolina, understanding the nuances of Uninsured (UM) and Underinsured Motorist (UIM) coverage can be a game-changer in such scenarios. Uninsured Motorist (UM) Coverage: ... [Read More]
