Filing a Medical Malpractice Lawsuit in South Carolina Courts

Dealing with the aftermath of a medical error can be overwhelming. Not only are you grappling with physical and emotional distress, but the prospect of legal proceedings can add another layer of complexity. If you’re in South Carolina and considering filing a medical malpractice lawsuit, understanding the state-specific guidelines and steps involved can offer you clarity during this challenging time.

Preliminary Steps: Documentation and Consultation

1. Gather Medical Records

Before diving into the legal world, make sure you have a comprehensive collection of your medical records. These documents serve as crucial evidence to establish the standard of care you received.

2. Consult a Medical Expert

A medical expert can help determine whether your healthcare provider deviated from the standard of care, which is essential in proving medical malpractice.

3. Seek Legal Advice

Consulting an attorney experienced in South Carolina medical malpractice law can guide you through the intricacies of your case, including the option of settling before filing a lawsuit.

The Legal Framework: South Carolina Laws to Know

Statute of Limitations

In South Carolina, the statute of limitations for medical malpractice cases is generally three years from the date of the injury or from when the injury should have been reasonably discovered.

Affidavit of Expert

South Carolina law mandates that you must file an affidavit of an expert along with your lawsuit, substantiating that the healthcare provider breached the standard of care.

Damages Cap

The state places a cap on non-economic damages, such as pain and suffering, which is currently $350,000 per defendant and $1.05 million in total.

The Filing Process: Key Components

1. Notice of Intent

Before filing a lawsuit, you are required to file a Notice of Intent to sue, along with the expert affidavit, and serve it to the defendant.

2. Mediation

After filing the Notice of Intent, both parties must engage in mandatory mediation to attempt to resolve the dispute amicably.

3. Filing the Lawsuit

If mediation is unsuccessful, you can proceed to file the lawsuit in a South Carolina court, where your case will follow the typical litigation process, from discovery to trial.

4. Trial and Verdict

If a settlement is not reached, your case will proceed to trial where both parties present their evidence. If the verdict is in your favor, the court will determine the compensation you are entitled to.


Embarking on a medical malpractice lawsuit in South Carolina involves understanding state-specific laws, meeting specific requirements, and adhering to deadlines. While this blog post offers a starting point, it is not a substitute for professional legal advice tailored to your unique circumstances.

The road to justice in a medical malpractice case may be daunting, but being informed about the legal procedures in South Carolina can empower you to take the necessary steps toward reclaiming control of your life.